So the girls and i were talking about Play-Doh and how lucky we were that we all had either wood or tiled floors and we probably just wouldn't let our kids play with it if we had carpet as it would just be too hard to get all the little bits up that always seem to be there no matter how careful you are.
We were chatting away when another mum "N" joined in and we filled her in on the gist of the conversation and we continued our chat of tips for removing and cleaning Play-Doh from surfaces, body parts, clothes, shoes, toys etc.
"Oh I know" says Mummy N "We have white carpet and Little C got Play-Doh on it the other day" Shock horror was spread instantly across all our faces and we were all gasped in desperation to immediately find out how Mummy N solved this tragedy. "What did you do?" and similar came all the questions "Oh i know" says Mummy N with a knowingly nod "I just got Little C out of that room and called the cleaners straight away" we all nodded and did the understanding friendly thing.
Ahhh and then theres' how the other half live!