
With washing waiting to be folded and cereal in our hair we share our roller coaster lives to inspire, relate and communicate with Mums just like us.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Saving sanity or carefully filing it away for a while?

Where I been?  Well Pregnancy is not my forte there is no glow, no radiance, no enjoyment of it at all. For me its been throwing up, headaches, back and hip aches not to mention dizziness, lack of sleep and I could keep going with the whinging but I know its temporary and in a few short months I will hopefully have another small little being to look after.

Hard to believe its March already, my lists of things to do gets longer and longer with everything I cross off I add another two.

Lists! I love lists, oh so many lists. Shopping, Cleaning, Baby, Business things to do, House things to do, Blog list of things to do and I even have a List of lists I need to do for renovations.
Do you use lists?

Folders. I'm into folders too. Maybe its some kind of not going back to work for a few more years need to feel important and busily contributing thing but I have adorned the kitchen table in folders. Bills folder, Renovations, Ready for school folder (which I'll bore you with in due course), Recipes and stuff to sort folder and Mums medical folder.
makes me sound busy and organised doesn't it? Well don't be fooled, I'm not. I'm too busy making lists and folders to actually get anything done!

come July I know my time and sanity will go out the window again so the idea is I get these things into place before then so I can be some sort of super mum who does it all .....
I can hear you scoffing well what's your secrets then?
What little things do you do to keep your sanity?

By Bel