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Friday, March 8, 2013

Chicken, Mushroom and Cashew Risotto

Written by:Bel

Friday nights at our place require a mountain of food fast. It is game night, training night, tired parent and very tired toddler night. Here's what we are having.

Please note I am not a chef of cook I’m a mum. This is I’m sure not the most professional way to make a risotto in fact its probably a crime to call it that but you know what,  It looks like one, it tastes like the ones I order in restaurants, It is quick and easy, uses minimal dishes and makes a mountain of food.   Its good – try it


1 ½ Cups of Whole Cashews unsalted.
800g Chicken Breast skin removed
2 Cups of sliced Mushrooms
1 teaspoon of crushed Garlic
1 teaspoon of Smoked Paprika
½ Cup of Chopped Shallots
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 Cups Aborio Rice
5 Cups Chicken or Vegetable Stock  (I pre make from powdered stock using warm water in a measuring  jug so its ready to go)
Salt & Pepper to Season
Grated Cheese to serve.  (I use a strong cheese like Blue Stilton but whatever you prefer)

Cut and Prepare everything to go before you cook.
You’ll need a large cooking dish. I use a large frying pan with high sides and a lid which is handy.


Firstly over medium to high in the dry pan heat  throw in your Cashews till they have a bit of colour watch them they’ll burn fast. 
Take them out and leave them aside put your pan back on the heat  
(don’t clean your pan between stages there is no need)

In your pan place
1 tablespoon of Oil
1 teaspoon crushed Garlic
2 cups of sliced mushrooms
Stir your mushrooms till cooked through.
Using tongs squeeze out your mushrooms into a bowl and put the pan back on the heat. You should have some blackish mushroom and garlic oily water left in your pan
 (If you don’t that’s ok add a little more oil so your Chicken doesn't stick and turn your pan down a little).
Add Your Chicken till just cooked through and then remove.

OKAY now to add it all together.
In your pan put
1 tablespoon of Oil
1 cup of Aborio Rice
Stir the Rice quickly until it has absorbed the Oil
Then add 1 cup of your Stock. Keep stirring. 

You don’t want the rice sticking to the bottom, if it is a lot turn your pan down a little till you can handle it quickly but comfortably.

Once the rice has absorbed that add another cup of rice and 2 cups of Aborio.
Keep stirring till absorbed then add the last of the Stock.

Whilst its being absorbed throw in your Chicken and Mushrooms and Green Shallots.
Once this is absorbed have a taste the rice should be soft enough to eat without being mushy at all. If it’s a little hard in the middle you can add a little more water or stock. 
Your rice should be good.  Turn off the heat. 

The heat of the rice will warm everything through.
Stir through your Cashews and Paprika.   
You can add extra grated cheese if you like it cheesy put we just have some on top to serve.

Its also pretty good reheated the next day!

Joining in for FYBF at With Some Grace


  1. YUM!! I love risotto sadly I am the only one who likes it in my house!!

    1. that is a bit sad. eat lots of it now so when the baby is ready for solids he/she is all ready loving risotto x

  2. I like risotto too. There needs to be more "mum cooking" and not so much "chef cooking" because at the end of the day that's most of the cooking we all do. I have a fish pier exile that would make you shudder, but the kids eat it and it is easy :)

  3. ooooh!! That sounds delicious!!! However...... hubby will take the cashews out.. or refuse all together :)

    #FYBF visitor :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This might be one of those recipes I try, looks just up my alley, just no mushrooms! Em

  6. I love rissotto and this look delicious. Must try. xxx


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