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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Terrarium in a Tank - Make your own little garden

One of the things I love to do most is gardening - on a small scale. It’s something that I've become used to with all the moving and living in rental properties. 
After making this I think I am hooked, 

I've already started planning my next beach themed terrarium!

We have had our little fish tank for years and years. It’s been home to hermit crabs, tropical fish and now….. plants! It’s travelled from Darwin to Brisbane to Sydney and has done us well. It only cost $30 when we bought it but recently one of the top glass covers broke making it unsafe and pretty much useless for any pets. 
So if you have an old fish tank, vase or glass jar you’re not using then give this ago and make it useful again. It doesn't cost much, it looks great and there’s very little maintenance to keep it going.

Terrarium in a Tank -  A little Garden in a Fish Tank

You’ll need:
A Tank or container of your choice 

Rocks or similar (pebbles, seashells, glass stones)

Moss (sphagnum moss is best)

Potting mix

Plant cuttings or buy some small plants

*I used cuttings from my succulents; these are my favourite plant to cut. The original plant just keeps growing and putting out new shoots and the cuttings start growing roots immediately. They’re hardy and they are cheap to buy.

*Charcoal - if you’re keeping it indoors or putting a lid on

How to create:
1. Clean your container so there’s no bacteria or dirty marks.

2. Place your rocks in gently to make the bottom level, this is for drainage and prevents root rot.

3. * If your terrarium is going to be living indoors or has a lid - Add a layer of charcoal. 
This will prevent the soil from becoming smelly. You can buy it from most pet shops for around $5 - $8

4. Cover the charcoal/rocks with a layer of moss. This will keep your levels clear and looking neat by preventing soil from spreading through the rocks. Sphagnum moss is the best. Keep any left over moss for the top. 

5. Add your potting mix.

6. Position your plants/cuttings before you plant them so you know where everything will go and then plant them one by one and compact the soil around them.

7. Give your new terrarium a little drink then place any leftover moss you have in between the plants.

Lightly water open containers twice a week and closed containers once a fortnight. 
Trim any plants that are growing over the edge or are getting too bushy. 

Have you tried growing new plants from cuttings before?   What plants worked for you?

Its Tuesday so we're linking up "IBOT" with some other great Blogs over at http://essentiallyjess.com/

You may also like our Build your own Dinosaur Garden.  


  1. Love this idea, something to try in the school holidays if I can get a cheap tank!! I have grown a money tree from a cutting before, it worked well.

    1. yes money trees work excellent dont they. we have them in the dinosaur garden we made and no matter how many times my little miss pulls them out i put push em back in and they grow well.
      thanks for visiting love xx

  2. I am a terrible gardener, but you know what, I think even *I* could manage to keep this alive! I'm going to send the link to my sister as she's keen to get my kids some plants for Xmas.

    1. Yes they're so cheap and they last no matter how many times people pull bits off or pull out. Did you see our dinosaur garden? you could do that another time too. Thanks for popping in x

    2. Oh no I didn't, I shall have a look for it now!

  3. What a great idea. I love something a bit different.

  4. I have a black thumb..it's that bad! This looks great though!

  5. Oh this is a cool little idea, and a great thing to do in school holidays. I love gardening myself, and have not done anywhere near enough lately.

  6. What a great idea. A very thrifty way to recycle those fish tanks! Yours looks really good. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Alison

  7. Awesome idea! I am a black thumb but I am trying to turn that around by starting a vege patch in our back yard..... the basil has already been eaten by the birds (or some creatures) but the tomatoes and spring onions are still alive! It has even been a few weeks!!! Yay!!! I will definitly give your idea a go next... while on a roll stick with it! Money Mummy

  8. I wonder if I could do this in a jam jar? I'm no good with plants though - just managed to kill a succulent :(

  9. I love this idea and have been meaning to make my own....thanks for inspiring me to get started :) x


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